Windows Live Photo Gallery can be your best friend in editing some minor flaws in your photos. Retouch, Red Eye, and Noise Reduction are just few from a bunch of tools that you can use to perfect your pictures.
Retouching your photos
- In the Photo Gallery, double click the photo you want to retouch
- Click Retouch in the Adjustments Group
- Drag the mouse pointer to draw a box around the imperfection that you want to retouch.
- After finishing retouching your photo, click Close file. Your modification will be automatically saved. Below is a sample picture before and after using the Retouch tool.
Noise Reduction
A noisy or grainy photo can be fine tuned by using the noise reduction tool.
- Open your grainy photo by double clicking it.
- Click the Noise Reduction in the Adjustments group and ta da! A finer looking photo!
Red Eye
The red-eye effect in photography is the common appearance of red pupils in color photographs of eyes. It occurs when using a photographic flash very close to the camera lens (as with most compact cameras), in ambient low light (Wikipedia).
- To remove a red-eye effect, click the Red Eye in the Adjustments
- Drag your mouse pointer to draw a box around the eye you want to fix.
There you have it folks! With Windows Live Photo Gallery you can correct and fine tune your photos in just a few clicks! :)
found some cool pictures to edit here