Now my that my friend had completed setting up her YouTube downloader another problem emerged! It appears that she’s downloading a music video and asked me if she can extract just the music in the downloaded video. It appears that my friend needs a media converter. One that can convert video clips into an audio file like MP3. There’s a solution to that, Format Factory!
For those who doesn’t know, Format Factory is a free, Windows compatible application that can convert most your media file into another format. You can download the setup application here. The setup file is usually in a compressed file (a Zip file) so you need to extract it before you can set it up. After setting up you will have a full working version of this nice free software to convert your media files into another format. Just select which format you would like your media file to be converted (ex. avi file to MP3 file) add the files you want to convert and click the start button! As simple as that! Happy converting!
Note: The output file (converted file) is by default will go the FFOutput folder in you’re My Documents.
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