In Wikipedia fragmentation is described as ,
“When the operating system cannot or will not allocate enough contiguous space to store a complete file as a unit, but instead puts parts of it in gaps between other files (usually those gaps exist because they formerly held a file that the operating system has subsequently deleted or because the operating system allocated excess space for the file in the first place). Larger files and greater numbers of files also contribute to fragmentation and consequent performance loss.”
This is one of the reason why your PC being slow or has decreased performance. The built -in Disk Defragmenter in Windows 7 will help your PC get back into track. This utility was already introduced in the previous versions of Windows but PC users sometimes take disk fragmentation for granted and end up having a slow computer. Defragging your drive will cost you a lot of time so why not schedule it on a different time when you’re computer is idle and you are doing things like cleaning your room or eating lunch!
Windows 7 automatically configures Disk Defragmenter to schedule defragment to run once a week, usually at 1am on Wednesday but I’m asleep at that time and cant afford to leave my PC turned on. So I need to schedule the defragging at my convenience. To open the defrag utility, in your Start menu search box type in defrag and click on Disk Defragmenter.
Click on Configure Schedule and then you can set your defragging in either Daily, Weekly and Monthly and to what day or time would you like your PC to initiate the defragging process. You can also select the disks to be defragged if you are using more that one disk or multiple partitions. As for me I set my Disk Defragmenter to run every 15th of the month at 12 noon, since I know that more likely I would be eating lunch at that time and my PC will be idle.
Click on OK button and your done. The next thing you’ll going to notice will be your PC a little bit speedier than when it was fragmented! :)
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